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Ipsy Tracking Enhancements

Ipsy Glam Bag Tracking


Ipsy – Glam bag tracking enhancements

As an Ipsy customer, I found myself often wondering where my glam bag was and when it would arrive. The package tracking feature is hard to find on the website and would often send me to a broken FedEx link. After reading through Ipsy's reviews and social media comments, I noticed that one of the most common customer questions was "where is my bag?" Customers didn't know that they could track their package status on ipsy.com – validating my assumption that this was a very common pain point.

To address this I’m proposing a solution in two stages:

  • MVP: Moving the “track your glam bag” button to the top level navigation. This is an easy quick win.

  • Full feature: Improving the glam bag tracking page. Adding a progress indicator, which will help alleviate customer concerns about where their package is, as well as the option for text notifications. Based on the features ipsy.com has, they should have the resources to build this solution.


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MVP: Surfacing the tracking button on the top level nav

Moving the button to the site's top level nav will increase discoverability of the "glam bag tacking" feature.

Implementing this MVP, which would entail minimal work, should decrease customer service complaints about glam bag tracking, and ideally, cancellations due to unsatisfied customers.

Current Ipsy.com page 3 - MY Full feature page 2 with button on the right hand side.png

Full Feature: Enhancing the tracking page

The changes to the navigation would make more users find the tracking page but there would still be pain points to solve there.

The full feature release would add a progress bar to communicate to customers where their package is as well as a date estimates for shipment and arrival.

Current Ipsy.com page 3 - MY Full feature page 2 with button on the right hand side copy.png

Customers will also be able to add their phone number to receive text updates regarding their glam bag's tracking status.

Current Ipsy.com page 3 - MY Full feature page 2 with button on the right hand side copy 2.png